I just have to
share my recent experience of pain - mostly because it was SO DIFFERENT than
what I have experienced in the past.
A few days ago as I
was bending over doing housework, I felt a tweak in my low back. It felt like
something had caught and gotten stuck and I wasn't entirely sure I could stand
back up. I could feel a little fear rising in my chest because this particular
tweak had never happened before. I took a couple deep breaths and managed to
stand up, but my back still felt tight, twisted and just plain "off."
I rated the pain a 7 out of 10.
In the past I would
have immediately gone to fear. Oh my God! Something's horribly WRONG!!
How long is this going to last? How long am I going to be out of my activities?
Am I going to be STUCK like this FOREVER?!! And on and on... In the
past, tweaks like this would get worse, pain would spread throughout my body
and I might be miserable and in pain for several months.
As an EFT/Tapping
practitioner, I now understand pain as "stuck energy" and fear as the
biggest magnifier of stuck energy, so I immediately began tapping.
Even though that
was a little shocking and scary and this doesn't feel good, I know this is
going to be OK.
My fear came right
down and my pain level came down a notch or two as well. I have a wonderful
chiropractor who I trust, and I was able to get an appointment three days
later. In the past three days would have seemed an eternity, but this time I
told myself it was an opportunity for me to fully experience tapping for pain.
While I had been in
chronic pain for several years, I hadn't had any real pain since I had become
an EFT practitioner. My trusted chiropractor had led me out of pain originally,
but I used to visit him often - first every week, then every couple of weeks.
Once I began tapping, however, my adjustments held longer and longer and now I
only see him a few times a year for a "tune up."
That evening my
pain was still at a 5, so I gave myself a full tapping session. It didn't take
long to connect this pain with my fears concerning finances. I worked with that
until I felt much better, and, when I checked in with my back it was about a 2!
I could still feel the misalignment, but my experience of the pain was
completely different. It was a niggling feeling of being "off," but
something I could easily live with for the next couple days. This happens for
my clients all the time, but I have to admit, I was still a bit amazed at
experiencing such a dramatic difference for myself.
When I visited my
chiropractor, he said there was a rotation in my L-4 that would definitely have
caused the pain I had described. He snapped everything back in place, along
with some adjustments to my neck, hips and feet until I was back in alignment
Even though pain is
never fun, this was the best experience of pain ever! I am still on a high
marveling at the power of the human mind to magnify or decrease our experience
of pain and of EFT to communicate with the part of the mind that controls this
experience. While I definitely had a physical misalignment that needed
attention, my thoughts, emotions, and energy flow turned out to be a bigger
component in my experience of pain.
Jennifer Jackson is
an EFT practitioner who works with clients on all kinds of mind-body issues
including physical pain, emotional overeating, stress, anxiety, insomnia,
fears, phobias, and more. For more information on EFT/Tapping and her work,
please visit her website at http://www.DiscoverTheMissingPeace.com.